Monday, July 27, 2009

On the Road Again

Lauren and Becky came home for a visit this last week. This gave them an opportunity to hear Ben speak at church following his return from his mission. It was delightful to have them home. We had fun in the pool, enjoyed a trip to the temple to do ancestral work and otherwise enjoyed renewing our associations.

They are on the road again returning to Utah; Becky to Cedar City and Lauren on to Salt Lake City.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Brett's Commanding Grab

Over the last few days, we hosted Brett Spackman at our home. He has been a lot of fun to have around. He is smart and inquisitive. I was really impressed with his command of current events.

It was mighty hot outside so our outdoor activities centered mostly around eating, Bahama Bucks and pool time.

Ben and I engaged Brett in one of our family favorite pool games of snatching a football in mid-air coming off the diving board. We had a great time ingesting water, scraping our feet against the bottom of the pool and once in awhile, demonstrating superior physical prowess by performing a great catch.

Here is one of Brett's better catches.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ben Arriving At The Airport Terminal


Ben arrived a noon today at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix, AZ. We left immediately for Pete's Fish & Chips in downtown Mesa, Ben's favorite restaurant of all time. He will be released from his mission this evening at 5:30pm by President Salmon, our Stake President.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Almost here....

Stay Tuned As More Comes To Light.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Use the one downstairs...(cont.)

Lindsay fills the holes created by the screws with thin set to prepare the backerboard for tile.

Lindsay tapes a seam where two pieces of backboard join.

The job is done. Lindsay will let the thin set dry before she starts to lay tile. Another good job, Lindsay! This is a job that needs to be done in the event that we need to sell or rent the house.