Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dad Goes Down

If you are into cycling, sooner or later you will crash. I did just that yesterday during a 97 mile training ride with some friends. We are all training for the Tour of Tucson so getting a century or two in before the big ride is essential. We were about 20 miles from the end of the ride when we approached a roadway construction zone.
The lanes were marked off with vertical safety panels, similar the picture to the left. I looked behind me for traffic and fellow riders before crossing into the traffic free lane. I had no sooner turned to face forward when one of the safety panels jumped in front of me. I never saw it coming! Wham! I dropped to the pavement like a rock. I landed hard on my left shoulder. My helmet hit the edge of the reflector pressing my sunglasses into the flesh around my left eye. The lens sliced a neat slit just below my eye.

I didn't take anyone else down with me, thank goodness. I got up an dusted myself off, and started to check my bike over. No major damage of scuffing. The front wheel was a little out of true. I opened my front brake calipers to allow for the wobble. My riding companions checked me over. No major damage that would keep me from riding just a little wounded pride. I hadn't crashed in over 20 years so I guess I was due. Back on the bike and on we rode on.
When I got home, I started to feel the effects of the crash. I had a nice raspberry on top of my left shoulder. Stiffness was setting in but I don't think I broke anything.

Today, my right hand is swollen around the knuckle. I find it hard to bend my hand. My fingers are now bent like I am about to grasp an object. Again, I don't think I broke any fingers but I must have jammed the knuckle.

If I am not noticing a recovery by tomorrow I will head for the doc. I need to heal up quick so I can get back on the bike.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I will have to work on you when I come home...Your shoulder looks a wee bit tender. That's how I busted the side mirror on the just jumped out at me!